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InCopy 2012 CS6 learning resources

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Learning resources for this version are still available by request. Contact us to get past version materials.

Adobe InCopy CS6 frequently-used keyboard shortcuts

• A PDF of InCopy CS6 [Mac & Win] frequently-used keyboard shortcuts. $4.99


InCopy CS6 frequently-used keyboard shortcuts

Adobe InCopy CS6 keyboard shortcuts poster for Mac

• A 14 x 20 poster of InCopy C6 [Mac] keyboard shortcuts. $9.99


InCopy CS6 keyboard shortcuts poster

Adobe InCopy CS6 keyboard shortcuts poster for Windows

• A 14 x 20 poster of InCopy CS6 [Win] keyboard shortcuts. $9.99


InCopy CS6 keyboard shortcuts poster

Adobe InCopy CS6 Quickstart Guide

• A PDF quickstart guide showing the essential steps to begin working with InCopy CS6. $4.99


InCopy CS6 Quickstart Guide

Adobe InCopy CS6 working overview

• A PDF guide showing an overview of working with InCopy CS6

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InCopy CS6 Workflow Overview

Adobe InDesign CS6 common keyboard shortcuts

• A two-page PDF document hand-out of InDesign CS6 frequently-used keyboard shortcuts including zoom, pan, and text formatting. This PDF document contains both a Mac and a Windows version of this keyboard shortcut cheatsheet. The physical page size is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99


InDesign CS6 keyboard shortcuts

Adobe InDesign CS6 tools, shortcuts, and modifier keys

• A PDF showing InDesign CS6 tools panel with shortcuts and modifier keys. $4.99


InDesign CS6 tools, shortcuts, and modifier keys

Adobe InDesign CS6 tools panel

• A one-page PDF document hand-out sheet illustrating the InDesign CS6 tools panel with all of its 48 tools and various keyboard shortcuts. This downloadable PDF cheatsheet has both Mac and Windows language. The physical page size is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99


InDesign CS6 tools panel illustrated

Adobe InDesign CS6 Onscreen Characters

• InDesign CS6 Onscreen Characters: a visual look-up guide that helps to identify the names of all the onscreen characters. Knowing what the symbols are called allows you to look up info about them in the help system. Mac and Windows. The page size is 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99


InDesign CS6 onscreen characters and symbols

Adobe InDesign CS6 GREP and Metacharacters

• A PDF of all GREP & Metacharacters and undocumented codes for InDesign CS6. GREP stands for General Regular Expression Parser, a means of describing patterns in text. It allows find/changes based on patterns, conditions, and literal text. Metacharacters represent a character or symbol. $4.99


InDesign CS6 GREP and Metacharacters

Adobe InDesign CS6 GREP and Metacharacters 1-column

• A PDF of all GREP & Metacharacters and undocumented codes for InDesign CS5 shown in 1-column for hand-held devices. GREP stands for General Regular Expression Parser, a means of describing patterns in text. It allows find/changes based on patterns and conditions as well as literal text. Metacharacters represent a character or symbol. $4.99


InDesign CS6 GREP and Metacharacters for hand-held devices

Lorem Ipsum English-language Placeholder textfile

• A placeholder textfile to replace the default InDesign CS6 and CS5.5 and CS5 and CS4 Lorum Ipsum text


with all apologies to Cicero

Learning resources purchased here will be delivered as PDF and/or ZIP files. Immediately after the transaction is completed, you will receive an email with links to download ordered documents. If you encounter any issues please check your email settings or contact us.

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