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InCopy 2020 learning resources

Adobe InCopy CC 2020 icon logo

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Learning resources for this version are still available by request. Contact us to get past version materials.

Adobe InCopy 2020 keyboard shortcuts

• A PDF of InCopy 2020 commonly-used keyboard shortcuts. This 2-page document contains both a macOS and Windows 10 version of the shortcuts that allow your speed and productivity to increase. For a complete list, see the poster version. The physical page size of this 2-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99


InCopy 2020 keyboard shortcuts

Adobe InCopy 2020 onscreen symbols

• A PDF of InCopy 2020 onscreen symbols and frame adornments. When you have Type > Show Hidden Characters turned on, and/or View > Extras (and you are not in Preview mode), you will see many non-printing symbols and icons on the InDesign/InCopy screen. This guide tells you their names, allowing you to look them up in the Help system and understand their purpose. This document contains both a macOS and Windows 10 version. The physical page size of this 2-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99


InCopy 2020 onscreen symbols

Adobe InCopy 2020 a complete tour of preferences

• A 12-page PDF document hand-out of InCopy 2020 preferences. It is for both macOS and Windows 10. It shows and explains all preferences and global adjustments to the program enabling you to setup the best workflow and superior typesetting. This includes a step-by-step directions on how to reset preferences. The physical page size of this 12-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $9.99


InCopy 2020 tour preferences

Adobe InCopy 2020 shortcuts poster

• A 14 x 20 poster of InCopy 2020 keyboard shortcuts. This high-resolution PDF is suitable for printing as well as digital printing. It shows a complete listing of all the default keyboard shortcuts. Keyboard shortcuts in InDesign/InCopy are customizable. This document contains both a macOS and Windows 10 version. The physical page size of this 2-page document is 14 x 20 inches. $9.99


InCopy 2020 poster

Adobe InCopy 2020 QuickStart Guide

• An updated 6-page PDF quickstart guide showing the essential steps to begin working with InCopy 2020, the word-processing companion to InDesign 2020. When you need a simple description of how the two applications work together, you can be up and operating with a minimum of time interruption by reading just page 1. The latter five pages give more detail, if you need it. This document contains both macOS and Windows 10 language. The physical page size of this 6-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $9.99


InCopy 2020 quickstart guide

Adobe InCopy CC 2020 Workflow Overview Guide

• An updated 20-page PDF guide showing an overview of working with InCopy 2020. This expanded and edited Adobe report explains how InDesign and InCopy work together. It illustrates step-by-step using fictitious magazine staff's daily work interractions to describe the workflow steps. It includes screenshots to illustrate each step. The various filetypes and icons are identified and explained. This document contains both macOS and Windows 10 language. The physical page size of this 20-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. Free

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InCopy 2020 workflow guide

Adobe InDesign 2020 common keyboard shortcuts

• A two-page PDF document hand-out of InDesign 2020 commonly-used keyboard shortcuts including zoom, pan, and text formatting. Beat that deadline! Operating InDesign by means of a few dozen shortcuts makes your productivity increase and your time-consumption decrease. This document contains both a macOS and Windows 10 version of this keyboard shortcut cheatsheet. The physical page size of this 2-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99


InDesign 2020 keyboard shortcuts

Adobe InDesign 2020 operational shortcuts

• A two-page PDF document hand-out of InDesign 2020 operational keyboard shortcuts covering many of the not-so-obvious gestures used to place text, resize frames, and more. Operational shortcuts generally means shortcuts where you hold a modifier key or two and click the mouse in a certain way. In other words, a two-handed keyboard and mouse technique that really increases your productivity. This document contains both a macOS and Windows 10 version of this keyboard shortcut cheatsheet. The physical page size of this 2-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99


InDesign 2020 operational shortcuts

Adobe InDesign 2020 tools and modifier keys

• A one-page PDF hand-out showing all 50 InDesign 2020 tools, along with keyboard shortcuts, and all modifier key combinations that change the behavior of each tool. Operating the tools along with holding down Cmd/Ctrl, Opt/Alt, Shift, and Spacebar allows for some highly productive design production. This document contains both macOS and Windows 10 language. The physical page size of this 1-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99


InDesign 2020 tools modifiers

Adobe InDesign 2020 tools panel

• A one-page PDF document hand-out sheet illustrating the InDesign 2020 tools panel with all of its 50 tools and various keyboard shortcuts. This handout features the alphabetic shortcuts associated with selecting each tool. It also defines the various groupings of kinds of tools in the tool bar. This downloadable PDF cheatsheet is for both macOS and Windows 10. The physical page size of this 1-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99


InDesign 2020 tools panel

Adobe InDesign 2020 onscreen symbols

• A PDF of InDesign 2020 onscreen symbols and frame adornments. When you have Type > Show Hidden Characters turned on, and/or View > Extras (and you are not in Preview mode), you will see many non-printing symbols and icons on the InDesign/InCopy screen. This guide tells you the names of all the typesetting character symbols, allowing you to look them up in the Help system and understand their purpose. This document contains both a macOS and Windows 10 version. The physical page size of this 2-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99


InDesign 2020 onscreen symbols

Adobe InDesign 2020 GREP and metacharacters

• A PDF of all GREP & Metacharacters and undocumented codes for InDesign 2020. Use the Find/Change dialog box like a pro! Global Regular Expression Parser/Printing describes patterns and conditions and formatting in text  as well as allowing you to search for literal text. Metacharacters represent a character or symbol when using InDesign's Find/Change dialog box. This is a comprehensive list of GREP commands that InDesign recognizes. The second page features some actual practical examples. This document is for both macOS and Windows 10. The physical page size of this 2-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99


InDesign 2020 GREP metacharacters

Adobe InDesign 2020 GREP and metacharacters 1-column

• A PDF of all GREP & Metacharacters for InDesign 2020 shown in 1-column for hand-held devices. Use the Find/Change dialog box like a pro! Global Regular Expression Parser/Printing describes patterns and conditions and formatting in text  as well as allowing you to search for literal text. Metacharacters represent a character or symbol when using InDesign's Find/Change dialog box. This is a comprehensive list of GREP commands that InDesign recognizes. This document is for both macOS and Windows 10. The physical page size of this document is meant only for small screen viewing. $4.99


InDesign 2020 GREP metacharacters 1 column

Learning resources purchased here will be delivered as PDF and/or ZIP files. Immediately after the transaction is completed, you will receive an email with links to download ordered documents. If you encounter any issues please check your email settings or contact us.

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