Adobe InDesign 2025 has more preferences and interface settings than ever. So, if you want a complete tour of preferences...
It turns out that these preferences are scattered well beyond Edit > Preferences. If you want to get the most out of Adobe InDesign as a workflow system, you need to tweak InDesign far beyond the default preferences. Many preferences are set, at default, in a less-than-optimal way. Many workspace adjustments need to be made, and InDesign also needs many adjustments to the global typesetting default settings. Once you do all that fine-tuning and workspace saving, you can actually improve both the quality of the typesetting and the productivity of the document production time. In this PDF guide, we include an in-depth tour of preferences; give a brief explanation of what you may want in a certain setting; and then also outline a way to backup and protect your many settings so that resetting preferences won't set you back by several hours.
What results is this new
Adobe InDesign 2025 a complete tour of preferences
Almost all of the preference settings can also apply to previous versions of InDesign, including 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, 2018, 2017, 2015, 2014, 2013, CS6, CS5.5, and CS5.
Not only will you read about InDesign's preferences, but this information expands to Hyphenation and Justification settings, Pages panel settings, Links panel settings, and View menu settings. An interesting change to this publication is the fact that, since CC version, the Mac and Windows versions look almost identical. Therefore, the screenshots are, for the most part, taken from the Mac version. Download this new PDF today, and begin to unlock the full potential of Adobe InDesign!
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