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Photoshop 2021 learning resources

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Learning resources for this version are still available by request. Contact us to get past version materials.

Adobe Photoshop 2021 Social Media Image Sizes

• A PDF of Photoshop 2021 social media recommended image sizes. This handout includes all the recommended image sizes for FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, SnapChat, YouTube, and Tumblr. This document is for both macOS and Windows 10 versions of Photoshop. The physical page size of this 1-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99


Photoshop 2021 Social Media Sizes

Adobe Photoshop 2021 keyboard shortcuts

• A two-page PDF document hand-out of Photoshop 2021 commonly-used keyboard shortcuts for operations being performed on most pictures. Beat that deadline! Operating Photoshop by means of a few dozen shortcuts makes your productivity increase and your time-consumption decrease. This document contains both a macOS and Windows 10 version of this keyboard shortcut cheatsheet. The physical page size of this 2-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99


Photoshop 2021 keyboard shortcuts

Adobe Photoshop 2021 tools, shortcuts, and modifier keys

• A PDF showing Photoshop 2021 tools and their shortcuts and their modifiers. Modifier keys include the Cmd/Ctrl key, the Opt/Alt key, the Shift key and the Spacebar key. This handout describes what changes in tool behavior when holding down one or more modifier keys while in a given tool in Photoshop. Improve your mastery, speed, and productivity! This document contains both macOS and Windows 10 language. The physical page size of this 1-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99


Photoshop 2021 tools modifiers keys

Adobe Photoshop 2021 tools and shortcuts

• A PDF showing Photoshop 2021 tools and their shortcuts. There are 78 tools buttons on the Photoshop 2021 tools panel. This handout features the alphabetic shortcuts associated with selecting each tool. It also defines the various groupings of kinds of tools in the tool bar. This downloadable PDF cheatsheet is for both macOS and Windows 10. The physical page size of this 1-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99


Photoshop 2021 tools panel

Adobe Photoshop 2021 Camera Raw keyboard shortcuts

• A PDF showing Photoshop 2021 Camera Raw keyboard shortcuts. Adobe Camera Raw module is similar to Adobe Lightroom, but is built as a module inside Photoshop. It can be accessed from either Photoshop (Filter menu) or from Adobe Bridge. Color correction and filtering is very powerful in Adobe Camera Raw. A couple of dozen keyboard shortcuts will give you much faster productivity. This document contains both a macOS and Windows 10 version. The physical page size of this 2-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99


Adobe Camera Raw 2021 keyboard shortcuts

Adobe Photoshop 2021 brush guide

• A PDF showing the Photoshop 2021 brush guide, an illustrated advanced technique, showing all the ways to edit and control the brush tool. It shows the Brush Settings panel, as well as the Brush Preset Picker Panel. It also visually demonstrates the keyboard shortcut method where you press the square bracket keys to change the brush diameter, and the Shift+square bracket keys to change the brush hardness (also known as brush softness, or the opacity of the brush). Also mentioned is the rarely-seen HUD display method of brush resizing. This document contains both macOS and Windows 10 language. The physical page size of this 1-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99


Photoshop 2021 brush guide

Adobe Lightroom Classic 2021 keyboard shortcuts

• A PDF showing Lightroom 2021 keyboard shortcuts. This 5-page listing of most shortcuts also includes a third page diagramming the major components of Adobe Lightroom Classic, helping you see where the automations are, both for importing into a catalog, as well as for color adjustments and file exporting. Think of Lightroom for the many, whereas Photoshop is for the one picture. Either way, a couple dozen shortcuts increases productivity. This document contains macOS language. The physical page size of this 1-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99


Lightroom Classic 2021 keyboard shortcuts

Mike's 2-Handed Vector Pen Tool Technique 2021

• A PDF that explains the (Pierre Bezier) vector-drawing Pen tool technique in Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop. Drawing with the Pen tool takes practice. The Pen tool is nearly-but-not-quite identical in these three applications. This guide illustrates how to draw changing among the three tools: the Pen tool for making anchor points, the Direct Selection tool for moving anchor points, and the Anchor Point tool for converting between straight and curved segments. By learning to hold the Cmd/Ctrl key to invoke the Direct Selection tool and holding the Opt/Alt key to invoke the Anchor Point tool, you can begin to draw vector shapes more efficiently and productively. All the numerous icons are defined for all the ways the Pen tool operates. In addition, this guide shows the Path Segment Reshape Function as well as the corner-rounding widget, both of which are related to vector drawing. This two-handed technique will make drawing more productive. This document contains both macOS and Windows 10 language. The physical page size of this 1-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99


Mikes Two Handed Pen Tool Technique 2021

Adobe Photoshop CC 2021 a complete tour of preferences

• A PDF handout listing the preferences setup of Photoshop 2021 along with a complete tour of other preference settings. This 8-page guide comes complete with screenshots illustrating all preference locations. This document contains both macOS and Windows 10 language. The physical page size of this 8-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $9.99


Adobe Photoshop 2021 a complete tour of preferences

Adobe Bridge 2021 a complete tour of preferences

• A PDF listing the preferences setup of Bridge 2021 along with a complete tour of other preference settings related to Bridge and Adobe Camera Raw. Get organized and increase your productivity! This 8-page guide comes complete with screenshots illustrating all preference locations, their meaning, and how to reset Bridge. This document contains both macOS and Windows 10 language. The physical page size of this 8-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $9.99


Adobe Bridge 2021 a complete tour of preferences

Adobe Bridge 2021 keyboard shortcuts

• A PDF of Adobe Bridge 2021 keyboard shortcuts. Now with hidden and little-known shortcuts! Learn to drive repetitive tasks in Adobe Bridge/Photoshop even faster with a couple of dozen keyboard shortcuts. From batch renaming to Slideshow mode to Review mode to the Output module workspace, there is a lot of possiblities for increasing productivity with keyboard shortcuts. This document contains both a macOS and Windows 10 version. The physical page size of this 2-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99


Adobe Bridge 2021 keyboard shortcuts

Adobe Photoshop CC 2021 keyboard shortcuts poster

• A 14" x 20" wall poster of Photoshop 2021 keyboard shortcuts. Nearly all shortcuts are identical between macOS and Windows 10, where the only difference is substituting Cmd for Ctrl; Opt for Alt. Some menu commands do not have a shortcut applied at default but keyboard shortcuts can be custom edited within Photoshop. Included on this poster are all the default shortcuts from all the drop-down menus and the panel menu buttons. Note: This high-resolution PDF is suitable for printing as well as digital printing. This document contains both a macOS and Windows 10 version of this keyboard shortcut cheatsheet. The physical page size of this 2-page document is 14.33 x 20.5 inches. $9.99


Photoshop CC 2021 poster

Adobe Photoshop CC Custom Tool Panel

• A zipped-up Photoshop CC Custom Tool Panel for installing a custom tool panel with almost all the tools showing. All the assembly work is already done for you. $9.99

To install: download the zip file and then unzip/extract the one file from the zip package. Copy and paste or move this file into the following Photoshop CC 2020 folder:

Mac OS: UserName • Library • Application Support • Adobe • Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 • Presets • Custom Toolbars or

Windows: Users  UserName • AppData • Roaming • Adobe • Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 • Presets • Custom Toolbars

Once the file is copied into the Preferences folder, restart Photoshop CC 2020 and right-click on the 3-dot button in the toolbox (or choose Edit > Toolbar) that leads you to the Customize Toolbar dialog box. Then, click on the Load Preset ... button, and choose Mikes Toolbar.tbr and click Load.

Can you dock this tool panel? Yes. Can you change it from one to two columns? Yes. And you can edit it further, if you wish, by clicking the 3-dot button in the bottom of the toolbox. If you want to display the banana, be sure to click Shift+Done as you close the toolbox editor.

Photoshop CC 2019 custom tool panel

Learning resources purchased here will be delivered as PDF and/or ZIP files. Immediately after the transaction is completed, you will receive an email with links to download ordered documents. If you encounter any issues please check your email settings or contact us.

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