Read our training syllabus outlines for InDesign.
Looking for the current InDesign version?
Learning resources for this version are still available by request. Contact us to get past version materials.
Adobe InDesign CS3 common keyboard shortcuts• A PDF of InDesign CS3 [Mac & Win] frequently-used keyboard shortcuts
Adobe InDesign CS3 onscreen characters• Onscreen Characters: a visual guide for InDesign CS3 for Mac and Windows
Adobe InDesign CS3 GREP and Metacharacters• A PDF of GREP and Metacharacter expressions updated for CS3
Adobe InDesign CS3 GREP and Metacharacters 1-column• A PDF of GREP and metacharacters and undocumented codes 1-column for smartphones
Adobe InDesign CS3 tour of 21 presets, styles, and automations for Mac• A PDF tour of all presets in InDesign CS4 and CS3 with Mac screenshots
Adobe InDesign CS3 tour of 21 presets, styles, and automations for Windows• A PDF tour of all presets in InDesign CS4 and CS3 with Windows screenshots
Mike's Vector Pen Tool Technique• A PDF summary of the Pen tool in InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop
Adobe InDesign CS3 keyboard shortcuts poster for Mac• A 13 x 19 poster PDF of InDesign CS3 [Mac] shortcuts
Adobe InDesign CS3 keyboard shortcuts poster for Windows• A 13 x 19 poster PDF of InDesign CS3 [Win] shortcuts
Adobe InDesign CS2 common keyboard shortcuts• A PDF of InDesign CS2 [Mac & Win] frequently-used keyboard shortcuts
QuarkXPress terms translated to InDesign• A PDF of QuarkXPress terms translated to InDesign terminology |
Adobe InDesign Document filled with example styles• An .indd file full of styles for preloading into InDesign CS3 and CS4 |
Lorem Ipsum English-language Placeholder textfile• A placeholder textfile to replace Lorum Ipsum text |
Numbers textfile• A textfile of numbers counting 1 to over 1,000 for making numbered tickets
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