1 day. Deep-Dive Master series. You will examine all the Artificial Intelligence features in Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, and Acrobat Pro. You will answer the basic question: What is AI?
Working hands-on, you'll get acquainted with all the features that relate to emerging AI (artificial intelligence) within Adobe publishing software. How will it impact your workflow and productivity? What ethical guidelines should you adopt? Topics include:
InDesign AI features (signup for seminar)
Its a fine line between “rules-based automation” and Artificial Intelligence:
- Text to Image (Beta)
- Contextual Task Bar
- Content Aware Fit when placing image in frame
- Auto Style and StylePacks
- Find Similar Fonts in Fonts menu
- Layout Adjustment
- Typesetting engine and optical kerning
- Content Aware Text Wrap select subject without previously drawing a clipping path
- Scripting
Illustrator AI features (signup for seminar)
- Text to Vector Graphic (beta) when in the black Selection tool
- Contextual Task Bar
- Type > Retype (beta)
- Object > Mockup (beta)
- Edit > Edit Colors > Generative Recolor
- Illustrator on the Web Beta (https://preview.illustrator.adobe.com/)
Photoshop AI features (signup for seminar)
- Generative Fill on the Edit menu and the right-click
- Generative Fill and the Contextual Task Bar
- Generative Fill for subject or background
- Properties panel shows generated variations
- Remove Tool powered by AI
- Crop Tool features Generative Expand
- Object Selection Tool
- Photo Restoration Neural Filter powered by AI
- Backdrop Neural Filter powered by AI
- Photoshop on the Web: (https://photoshop.adobe.com)
Adobe FireFly AI (https://firefly.adobe.com)
- Text to Image
- Generative Fill
- Text Effects
- Generative Recolor
- Text to Template
- Text to Vector Graphic
Artificial Intelligence and Adobe and ethical guidelines
AI-generated text articles from ChatGPT
AI-generated scripting from ChatGPT
Other AI resources
Suggested Follow Ups:

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