Adobe Illustrator 2022 Better New Document Profile Presets and Templates
• A zip file containing improved New Document Profile presets and templates. Get to work faster by having new documents and/or template documents open up already fitted with all the things you need (and removing all the things you don't). These new documents have improved global color swatches, custom-made layers and guides, and an assortment of well-defined paragraph styles and character styles. We removed extra unused baggage like sample symbols, brushes, and graphic styles you never use. These harder-working new document templates save you productivity time. This is a zip file containing 4 New Document Profile presets and 4 Illustrator document templates. A textfile explains how to install these documents into Illustrator to help your productivity. $9.99
Adobe Illustrator 2022 Perspective Grid Drawing
• A 24-page PDF guide to understanding how to use Illustrator 2022 perspective grid drawing. This guide is an expansion on the information available in the online help guide. It is illustrated, annotated, and expanded upon in terms of workflow technique. The key to understanding how to use perspective is to complete the object drawing in a flat plan view and then move each object into the 3D perspective grid. The physical page size of this 24-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $9.99
Adobe Illustrator 2022 keyboard shortcuts
• A PDF of Illustrator 2022 frequently-used keyboard shortcuts. This listing of shortcuts is for most common operations being performed on a drawing in Illustrator. Included are also the most common typesetting keyboard shortcuts. By employing a couple of dozen shortcuts, you can enjoy much faster productivity. This document contains both a macOS and Windows 10 version of this keyboard shortcut cheatsheet. The physical page size of this 2-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99
Adobe Illustrator on the iPad 2022 gestures and keyboard shortcuts
• A PDF of Illustrator on the iPad 2022 frequently-used keyboard shortcuts and hand gestures. This listing of shortcuts is for most common operations being performed on a drawing in Illustrator. By knowing a couple of dozen shortcuts, you can enjoy much faster productivity. This document contains a macOS/iOS version of this keyboard shortcut cheatsheet. The physical page size of this 2-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99
Adobe Illustrator 2022 tools, shortcuts, and modifier keys
• A PDF detailing all Illustrator 2022 tools, and shortcuts, and modifier keys. This is a two-page listing of the 101 tools and their various modifier keys. Operating the tools along with holding down Cmd/Ctrl, Opt/Alt, Shift, and Spacebar allows for some highly productive design production. This document contains both macOS and Windows 10 language. The physical page size of this 2-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99
Adobe Illustrator 2022 tools and shortcuts
• A PDF detailing all Illustrator 2022 tools, and shortcuts. This is a one-page listing of the 101 tools in the tool panel. This handout features the alphabetic shortcuts associated with selecting each tool. It also defines the various groupings of kinds of tools in the tool bar. This downloadable PDF cheatsheet is for both macOS and Windows 10. The physical page size of this 1-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99
Adobe Illustrator 2022 shape tools guide
• Illustrator 2022 shape tools guide. Learn all eleven shape drawing tools and also learn about their modifier keys such as Cmd/Ctrl, Opt/Alt, Shift and Spacebar and other little-known alphabetic shortcuts. You can drag to make a shape, or you can click the artboard to define a shape by means of a dialog box. You can draw a lot of things without the Bezier pen tool! Mac and Windows. This document contains both macOS and Windows 10 language. The physical page size of this 1-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99
Mike's 2-Handed Vector Pen Tool Technique 2022
• A PDF that explains the (Pierre Bezier) vector-drawing Pen tool technique in Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop. Drawing with the Pen tool takes practice. The Pen tool is nearly-but-not-quite identical in these three applications. This guide illustrates how to draw while changing among the three tools: the Pen tool for making anchor points, the Direct Selection tool for moving anchor points, and the Anchor Point tool for converting between straight and curved segments. By learning to hold the Cmd/Ctrl key to invoke the Direct Selection tool and holding the Opt/Alt key to invoke the Anchor Point tool, you can begin to draw vector shapes more efficiently and productively. All the numerous icons are defined for all the ways the Pen tool operates. In addition, this guide shows the Path Segment Reshape Function as well as the corner-rounding widget, both of which are related to vector drawing. This two-handed technique will make drawing more productive. This document contains both macOS and Windows 10 language. The physical page size of this 1-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99
Mike's Illustrator 2022 Graph Samples
• Do you need to make graphs in Illustrator? Want to have a fund of ready-made, copy n paste graphs that can be quickly edited? Open this file in Adobe Illustrator 2022 and you have access to 14 example graphs that are ready to be updated with its built-in spreadsheet. This allows you to quickly build sophisticated graphs in Illustrator that you can place in InDesign. Enjoy rapid production of bar, column, pie, scatter, and more graph illustrations. Mac and Windows compatible. This Adobe Illustrator file is zip-compressed and must be unzipped on your computer in order to open the file in Illustrator 2022. This Illustrator document opens in both macOS and Windows 10. The physical page size of this document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $9.99
Mike's Pen Tool Practice Guide for Illustrator 2022
• You can draw a lot of things with the Bezier pen tool! Open this practice file in Adobe Illustrator 2022 or older and you can try 21 example artboards that teach you how to use the Pen Tool. What you master in Illustrator will also apply to the Pen Tool in InDesign and Photoshop. Mac and Windows compatible. This Adobe Illustrator file is zip-compressed and must be unzipped on your computer in order to open the file in Illustrator. This document opens in both macOS and Windows 10. The physical page size of this document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $9.99
Adobe Illustrator CC 2022 a complete tour of preferences
• Illustrator 2022: a complete tour of preferences 8 pages with screenshots showing all program preferences as well as how to change global typesetting defaults and how to reset preferences for troubleshooting. Learn where to adjust the size of anchor points onscreen in order to make editing vector drawings an easier experience. See where to adjust Illustrator for performance, and where it should scratch to an external hard drive. See which tools can be double-clicked to expose even more settings. Preferences are not only under the Illustrator/Edit menu, but are scattered in hard-to-find locations throughout Illustrator. This document contains both macOS and Windows 10 language. The physical page size of this 8-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $9.99
Adobe Bridge 2022 a complete tour of preferences
• A PDF listing the preferences setup of Bridge 2022 along with a complete tour of other preference settings related to Bridge and Adobe Camera Raw. Get organized and increase your productivity! This 8-page guide comes complete with screenshots illustrating all preference locations, their meaning, and how to reset Bridge. This document contains both macOS and Windows 10 language. The physical page size of this 8-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $9.99
Adobe Bridge 2022 keyboard shortcuts
• A PDF of Adobe Bridge 2022 keyboard shortcuts. Now with hidden and little-known shortcuts! Learn to drive repetitive tasks in Adobe Bridge/Photoshop even faster with a couple of dozen keyboard shortcuts. From batch renaming to Slideshow mode to Review mode to the Output module workspace, there is a lot of possiblities for increasing productivity with keyboard shortcuts. This document contains both a macOS and Windows 10 version. The physical page size of this 2-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99
Adobe Illustrator 2022 keyboard shortcuts poster
• A 14 x 20 poster of Illustrator 2022 keyboard shortcuts. This is a list of the default keyboard shortcuts when Illustrator is first installed. Nearly all shortcuts are identical between macOS and Windows 10, where the only difference is substituting Cmd for Ctrl; Opt for Alt. Some menu commands do not have a shortcut applied at default but keyboard shortcuts can be custom edited within Illustrator. Included on this poster are all the default shortcuts from all the drop-down menus and the panel menu buttons. Note: This high-resolution PDF is suitable for printing as well as digital printing. This document contains both a macOS and Windows 10 version. The physical page size of this 2-page document is 14.33 x 20.5 inches. $9.99
Adobe Illustrator 2022 Swatch Libraries
• A PDF preview guide of Illustrator 2022 Swatch Panel Libraries of Colors and Patterns. This document contains both macOS and Windows 10 language. The physical page size of this 68-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $9.99
Adobe Illustrator 2022 Brush Libraries
• A PDF of Adobe Illustrator 2022 Brushes Guide, showing previews of all the 25 brush libraries. This document contains both macOS and Windows 10 language. The physical page size of this 26-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $9.99
Adobe Illustrator 2022 Symbols Libraries
• A PDF for browsing Illustrator 2022 symbols from all the symbols libraries. This document contains both macOS and Windows 10 language. The physical page size of this 30-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $9.99
Adobe Illustrator 2022 Graphic Styles Libraries
• A PDF for browsing Illustrator 2022 graphic styles from the Graphic Styles libraries (except for the Additive graphic styles). This document contains both macOS and Windows 10 language. The physical page size of this 12-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $9.99
Mike's Custom Illustrator Tool Panel
• A zipped-up Illustrator Custom Tool Panel for Illustrator 2021 for installing a custom tool panel with almost all the tools showing. No need to click the flyouts of the embedded tools. They are already visible. This toolbar fits in a FullHD screen. Instructions are below. $9.99
To install: download the zip file and then unzip/extract the one file (named Tools Panel Presets) from the zip package. Copy and paste or move this file into the following Illustrator CC folder:
Mac OS: UserName • Library • Preferences • Adobe Illustrator 25 Settings • en_US • Tools
Windows: Users • UserName • AppData • Roaming • Adobe • Adobe Illustrator 25 Settings • en_US • x64 • Tools
Once the file is copied into the en_US • Tools folder, restart Illustrator 2021 and click on Window > Tools > Mikes Custom Illustrator Tool Panel.
You can dock this tool panel and you can you change it from one to two columns and you can edit it, too, by clicking the button on the bottom that shows three dots. Some of the rarer tools remain grouped together, but most are showing. Enjoy!
Illustrator Wireframe Globe JavaScript
• A zipped-up file for Illustrator for making a wireframe globe shape
Real Lorem Ipsum English-language placeholder text
• A placeholder textfile to replace the default Illustrator 2021 (and earlier) Lorum Ipsum text. Download and unzip and place this "placeholder.txt" file into the main Adobe Illustrator application/program folder. This causes an English language translation of Cicero's de Finibus text to flow into your layout instead of the default Lorem Ipsum Latin text when you choose to Fill with Placeholder text. (You then have to restart Illustrator 2021, for it to begin working.) Pictured is Roman Senator Cicero, the origin of Lorem Ipsum sample Latin text. Also included is a version saved in .docx and .rtf, in case you would like to read it.
Pica Ruler
• A printable PDF twelve-inch-long ruler with Picas on one side and inches on the other. When you print it from Acrobat, take care not to print it with the automatic Fit turned on. Also, most printing devices may vary in their accuracy, so scaling it up or down slightly may be necessary.