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Illustrator 2008 CS4 learning resources

Illustrator CS4

Adobe Illustrator graphic design software training

You can also expand your knowledge through instructor-led training. Read our learning syllabus outlines for Illustrator and contact us.

Looking for the current Illustrator version?

Learning resources for this version are still available by request. Contact us to get past version materials.

Adobe Illustrator CS4 common keyboard shortcuts

• A PDF of Illustrator CS4 [Mac & Win] frequently-used keyboard shortcuts


Illustrator CS4 keyboard shortcuts

Adobe Illustrator CS4 tools, shortcuts, and modifier keys

• A PDF detailing Illustrator CS4 tools, and shortcuts, and modifier keys


Illustrator CS4 tools, shortcuts, and modifier keys

Adobe Illustrator CS4 tools panel and shortcut keys

• A PDF detailing Illustrator CS4 tools panel with tools and all shortcut keys


Illustrator CS4 tools panel

Mike's Vector Pen Tool Technique

• A PDF summary of the Pen tool in Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop


Mike's Vector Pen Tool Technique

Adobe Illustrator CS4 symbols libraries

• A PDF for browsing Illustrator CS4 symbols from all the symbols libraries


Illustrator CS4 symbols library guide

Adobe Illustrator CS4 keyboard shortcuts poster for Mac

• A 13 x 19 poster of Illustrator CS4 [Mac] keyboard shortcuts. Note: this high-resolution PDF is suitable for printing and digital printing and includes the Mac version of the shortcuts. $9.99


Illustrator CS4 keyboard shortcuts poster

Adobe Illustrator CS4 keyboard shortcuts poster for Windows

• A 13 x 19 poster of Illustrator CS4 [Win] keyboard shortcuts. Note: this high-resolution PDF is suitable for printing and digital printing and includes the Windows 10 version of the shortcuts. $9.99


Illustrator CS4 keyboard shortcuts poster Windows

Learning resources purchased here will be delivered as PDF and/or ZIP files. Immediately after the transaction is completed, you will receive an email with links to download ordered documents. If you encounter any issues please check your email settings or contact us.

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