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Adobe InDesign CC common keyboard shortcuts• A two-page PDF document hand-out of InDesign CC frequently-used keyboard shortcuts including zoom, pan, and text formatting. This contains both a Mac and a Windows version of this keyboard shortcut cheatsheet. 8.5 x 11 inches.
Adobe InDesign CC tools, shortcuts, and modifier keys• A one-page PDF document hand-out sheet illustrating the InDesign CC tools panel with all of its forty-eight tools and various keyboard shortcuts. This downloadable PDF cheatsheet is for both Mac and Windows language. The physical page size is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches.
Adobe InDesign CC tools panel• A one-page PDF hand-out showing all 48 InDesign CC tools, along with keyboard shortcuts, and all modifier key combinations that change the behavior of each tool. This PDF contains both Mac and Windows language. The page size is 8.5 x 11 inches.
Adobe InDesign CC Onscreen Characters• InDesign CC Onscreen Characters: a visual look-up guide that helps to identify the names of all the onscreen characters. Knowing what the symbols are called allows you to look up info about them in the help system. Mac and Windows. 8.5 x 11 inches.
Adobe InDesign CC GREP and Metacharacters• A PDF of all GREP & Metacharacters and undocumented codes for InDesign CC. General Regular Expression Parser describes patterns in text and conditions as well as literal text. Metacharacters represent a character or symbol.
Adobe InDesign CC GREP and Metacharacters• A PDF of all GREP & Metacharacters for InDesign CC shown in 1-column for hand-held devices. General Regular Expression Parser is a means of describing patterns in text, allowing finds based on patterns, conditions, and literal text. Metacharacters represent a character or symbol.
Mike's Vector Pen Tool Technique• How the Pen tool works in InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop. The Pen tool, Direct Selection tool, and convert tool, are used for vector drawing using a practical two-handed technique. This covers multiple versions. Mac and Windows. 8.5 x 11 inches.
Adobe InDesign CC a complete tour of preferences• A 16-page PDF document hand-out of InDesign CC preferences. It shows all preferences and global adjustments to the program and includes information about how to preserve and reset preferences. This PDF document contains a unified Mac and a Windows version of all the preferences dialog box screenshots. The physical page size is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches.
Adobe Acrobat XI accessibility element tags• A PDF handout of Adobe Acrobat XI accessibility element tags
Adobe InDesign CC keyboard shortcuts poster for Mac• A 14" x 20" poster of InDesign CC [Mac] keyboard shortcuts
Adobe InDesign CC keyboard shortcuts poster for Windows• A 14" x 20" poster of InDesign CC [Windows] keyboard shortcuts
Adobe InDesign CC JavaScripts for Productivity• A PDF article called InDesign CC JavaScripts for Productivity (Mac & Win). How to find, install, and use JavaScripts with InDesign CC/CS6. 4 pages.
Adobe InDesign CC tour of 21 presets, styles, automations for Mac• A PDF tour of presets in InDesign CC and CS6 and CS5 and CS4 with Mac screenshots
Adobe InDesign CC tour of 21 presets, styles, automations for Windows• A PDF tour of presets in InDesign CC and CS6 and CS5 and CS4 with Win screenshots
Pica Ruler• A printable twelve-inch ruler with Picas and inches. Printing devices may vary in their accuracy, so scaling it up or down slightly may be necessary |
Typesetting Proofreader's Marks• A three-page PDF handout containing a reproduction of classic typesetting proofreaders marks |
Preflight Profiles• Two more-rigorous preflight profiles (1 CMYK and 1 RGB) for InDesign CC and CS6 and CS5.5 and CS5 and CS4, and newer. |
Adobe InDesign Styles donor document• An .indd document full of styles for preloading into InDesign CS6 |
Lorem Ipsum English-language Placeholder Text• A placeholder textfile to replace the default InDesign CC and CS6 and CS5.5 and CS5 and CS4 Lorum Ipsum text |
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