New Book! Available to order is the new 348-page book (print or digital): Adobe Acrobat Ninja, by Urszula Witherell. A guide to the most important features and advanced functions of Adobe Acrobat Pro that you need to know.
Is Adobe Acrobat just taking up storage space on your device? Let Adobe Acrobat Ninja guide you through the most important features you need to know and advanced functions that will help you to discover easier ways to do your work.
- All-in-one reference and guide for Acrobat users in all industries and professions
- Build confidence by connecting Acrobat functions with day-to-day business tasks
- Understand issues that go beyond PDF such as legal implications of accessibility compliance, document security, and copyright protection
For some users, PDF is the final output for reports, journals, or white papers. Others may need to collect and organize information using PDF forms. Graphic designers, editors, and writers need to present drafts for reviews and receive feedback. Laws in many countries stipulate that access to information must not be restricted to readers with physical impairments, requiring that PDF publications be accessible to assistive devices. Some documents must be available for many years or decades, thus setting up archive features requires consideration. All these scenarios involve some features of Acrobat.
This guide is designed with professionals in mind who likely already use Adobe Acrobat Pro. Many ideas, features, and online services are sorted and organized so that you can easily find topics relevant to your work and choose which features you really need.
Each chapter can be considered on its own, with tools and functions explained through examples and step-by-step guidance. Information in some chapters may build on previous knowledge, but you are not expected to have an advanced level of prior experience.
By the end of this book, you will have a solid understanding of what PDF files are, what they are not, and how Acrobat makes it possible to work in a way that you will never miss good old ink and paper.
- Use Adobe Acrobat Pro efficiently through shortcuts and preferences
- Expand knowledge of functions that you likely use already
- Understand the connection between PDFs, Acrobat, and other applications
- Unique settings in Adobe InDesign to create high quality fully featured PDFs
- Legal concerns for information published in a digital format such as accessibility compliance, document security, and integrity, and copyright protection
- Confidently move away from the use of ink and paper and help preserve physical resources
The book is for Knowledge Workers, including skilled professionals such as Analysts, Administrators, Architects, Doctors, Engineers, Journalists, Lawyers, Pharmacists, Scientists, and professionals that could be described as Communications Workers, including but not limited to Communications Artworkers, Graphic Designers, Researchers, Technical Writers, Web Designers, and Accessibility Workers who routinely work with PDF and some version of Acrobat.
- Understanding Different Adobe Acrobat Versions and Services
- Creating and Enhancing PDF Files from Scans
- Converting Microsoft Office files to Adobe PDF using PDFMaker
- Modifying and Editing PDF Files
- Remediation for Accessibility in PDF Publications
- Using Acrobat in a Document Review Cycle
- Creating and Modifying PDF forms (desktop only)
- Adding Digital Signatures and Security Settings
- Designing Multimedia Presentations
- Integration with Adobe InDesign
- Using Acrobat for Professional Publishing
- Privacy, Bates Numbering and Other Specialized Features for a Law Office
- Final Overview of Acrobat Pro techniques, Shortcuts, and Online User Support
About the Author
Urszula is an expert graphic designer, software instructor and consultant. As an instructor she taught thousands of Adobe software users in government agencies and private corporations. Her easy-going and effective presentation style of complex features earned her many loyal clients. Her consulting work related to PDF included creating templates, editing files, and providing recommendations on document production process. The final goal was to ensure that each publication met the highest publishing and accessibility standards, which was achieved successfully. Urszula also designed training curriculum and reference materials on proper document construction prior to conversion to PDF in a relevant authoring software, such as MS Word, Adobe InDesign and FrameMaker.